“In the sea of unremarkable clothes we see every day, this series is like a breath of fresh air! So energising, clothes you almost get addicted to, with globetrotting effect and power of seduction. Very Eftimov – be chic, be fun, be free and be fabulous!”

Lidia Mincev

A Kept Man

Basic info: mixed and matched clothes and accessories that belong to different collections; a sneak into upcoming seasons and illustration for some of the trends.
Main character: a kept man with multiple faces.
Intrigue: why having one or two seasons at the time, when you can enjoy all four at once?
Design and photo: Nikola Eftimov
Assistant designer: Aleksandra Jovanovska
Model: Timo
Special appearance: A. J.
Nikola Eftimov Store, February 2013


Being Nikola Eftimov, Nikola Eftimov s/s 2013, FWSK


My Own Private Shangri-La [Post-industrial Couture], Nikola Eftimov a/w 2012-13