“As one of the founders of the Macedonian fashion scene, a pioneer in fashion education, an exceptional connoisseur of the history of fashion, a tireless researcher, an experiment addict and a master of the timeless cut, Nikola Eftimov in his almost 25-year career will show and prove himself as a true visionary.
His last fitting fashion show confirmed that once again.”

Snezhana Bogdanovska Sani

Nikola Eftimov at EXPO.30
September 16, 2021
Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje

In 2021 Nikola Eftimov was approached by the representatives of Botegga Eventi, organizers of EXPO.30, a manifestation that marked the 30th anniversary of independence of R. N. Macedonia and Macedonian fashion scene.
Nikola presented a series of outfits, mixed and matched pieces, some of them archival clothes and accessories, others made for this event.


Nikola Eftimov fashion show at What You See Symposium, Utrecht, 2022


Dame Electra (adieu to duality), Nikola Eftimov a/w 2014-15